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Going to Denmark at the end of September

Postat: 24 jun 2012, 20:07
av adanorway
Hello to everyone,

I have a specific suggestion/idea.

There will be at the aquarium fair in Køge in Denmark 29-30 September this year. I booked a stand there for representing ADA, selling some things, etc. But it is a long way for me, from the Northern Norway. And I consider driving through Sweden. If there is any interest, I could take orders and deliver them on my way along the coast, or at least ship them within Sweden, which would be considerably cheaper!

Re: Going to Denmark at the end of September

Postat: 01 jul 2012, 12:15
av adanorway
Hei alle forumsmedlemmer!

Ville gjerne ha litt innspill fra dere som er litt mer enn gjennomsnittlig engasjert :)

Har booket meg en stand på Akvariemesse i Køge i september. Men så lurer på hva som er mest interessant for de som besøker slike begivenheter?

Er det: mulighet til å kjøpe ting? Se og røre på ting? Få informasjon?

Hvilke utstillinger finner man mest attraktive? Skal man ha en show, små foredrag?

Skal ha plass på 12 x 3 m, så dette er skikkelig stort. Evt. trenger ikke mer enn 6 m. Så lurer på om jeg bør sette opp et par foredrag i resterende område eller finne noen som vil være med og dele standen (som er egentlig skikkelig billig)? Organisatorer vil gjerne se noen som selger planter, men jeg selv gjør det ikke.

Takker for alle innspill på forhånd!

Re: Going to Denmark at the end of September

Postat: 14 jul 2012, 23:34
av adanorway
This is the plan for now:

I ordered some of the most popular items for demonstration. Will also have enough Books of ADA to give away.
The whole stand will be based around 2 tanks:
- Mini-M and
- 60-P
with the entire equipment around them.

I intend to perform full demonstration of the set-up of such an aquarium, basically from unpacking out of boxes. Probably will have some cool stones for the 60-P and some wood for the Mini-M. Plus want to have a small nano-tank just for the show. I also want to demonstrate the maintanance equipment on day 2 og the fair. Everything will be for sale, either on demand or else on day 2. The tanks though will be probably sold to the best offer :)

The Fair opens its doors at 10.00, so I think I can start with my show at 11.00 or so. Everyone who attends will be able to ask any possible questions, and maybe try some things themselves.

I still haven't found anyone who would want to sell plants to me, or to share the stand with me 50/50. So if anyone knows someone who wants to cooperate and earn an extra bucks, let me know :)

Re: Going to Denmark at the end of September

Postat: 27 jul 2012, 15:02
av adanorway
I have cancelled the stand in Køge, unfortunately. Have my reasons for that.

Still going to drive by Sweeden in the beginning of September, so the offer to bring goods is valid.

If anyone knows about bigger fairs in Scandinavia, let me know please :)

Re: Going to Denmark at the end of September

Postat: 27 jul 2012, 17:31
av peterhaack
Thats sad to hear, i was looking forward for that, if you drive by my place call me, my place you cant miss it has a big airplan selling candy along the E4... =O)

Re: Going to Denmark at the end of September

Postat: 27 jul 2012, 18:59
av adanorway
Peter, I will definately drop by! Will bring you the bags you asked for :)

Re: Going to Denmark at the end of September

Postat: 27 jul 2012, 19:13
av Raven
adanorway skrev: or at least ship them within Sweden, which would be considerably cheaper!
Then consider "brev skicka lätt", its a tracked shipment, bought and paid for over the internet but you need a printer for the receipt that goes on the package, cost 39kr for weight up to 500gr. ... -latt.aspx

Re: Going to Denmark at the end of September

Postat: 27 jul 2012, 19:24
av adanorway
Raven skrev:
adanorway skrev: or at least ship them within Sweden, which would be considerably cheaper!
Then consider "brev skicka lätt", its a tracked shipment, bought and paid for over the internet but you need a printer for the receipt that goes on the package, cost 39kr for weight up to 500gr. ... -latt.aspx
Thanks! The page is very useful generally :) To see the Swedish postal prices!